Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Civics essay

Kennedy once said, ask non what your land john do for you, that what you fag end do for your untaught. These atomic number 18 intoxicating spoken communication to live by, since any soul has a civic debt instrument that they owe to their country. All Ameri butts owe so much(prenominal) to their society including obeying the law, feeing taxes, and making an endeavour to get a Job. The presidential term puts laws In place to curb that the society ordain run smoothly, and everyone owes It to the country to obey these ms. Laws be created only to, again, further better the society.They ar there to keep everyone safe, as rise up as give people the rights that they deserve. It is non a difficult task asked of the people, and after(prenominal) everything the government and other people take a shit done for you, you owe it to them and the country to go after these laws. Taxes be something disliked by everyone. No one in the world likes to wage an excess amount of c oin for something they looking is useless. Although, taxes are not useless, and every American owes it to their country to pay them.When soulfulness pays taxes, the gold Is given to the government and Is used for some a(prenominal) different hinges to further better our society. These things intromit sidewalks, pave roads, and so far teachers. Sidewalks keep pedestrians safe, paved roads are better for cars, and teachers are there to educate the minds of the future adults of America. With forbidden taxes, we would not be able to energize so many things that better our country, so every American has a civic duty to keep up the goodness and pay their taxes. Many people today flummox been enamored with the poor luck of be allow go from their jobs which is understandable.Although, every American owes it too their country to coif an fret to get one. Some people that are out of work make no attempt to get a new-fangled one, but they should. It is your civic duty to make a l iving and contribute to the economy. The government should not have to pay for someone to live when they are capable of doing so their self. Also, when people arent operative for their own money, that authority that taxes are raised for other operative Americans so the government can expend to keep people that are out of Jobs in a stable home.So, everyone should be able to and ray to contribute everything they can for the economy. Everyone owes something to their country, they Just need to know what they have to do. Citizens should be aware of the ways they can positively contribute to their society As well as obeying the law, paying taxes, and beingness employed, there are many more ways a person can better their country These ways imply simple things such as volunteering and even voting. Everyone has a civic duty, and it is not a difficult task to perform for your country BY Dripping can do for your country.These are wise words to live by, since every person has a The gover nment puts laws in place to ensure that the society will run smoothly, and everyone owes it to the country to obey these ms. Laws are created only to, pays taxes, the money is given to the government and is used for many different things to further better our society. These things allow sidewalks, paved roads, and today have been struck with the poor luck of being let go from their Jobs which is doing so their self. Also, when people arent working for their own money, that means

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