Thursday, September 3, 2020

Its a Fracking Problem free essay sample

Fracking is expanding in the U. S. , however with this expansion of gaseous petrol comes an expansion of security concerns. The procedure of water powered fracking requires synthetic substances that can influence the families that live close by. These synthetic compounds likewise influence nature on the land and noticeable all around. With fracking there comes its positives and its negatives, some great and some awful. There are not many guidelines on how fracking should be possible, yet in the guidelines there isnt much assistance. Fracking for gaseous petrol should be additionally managed before it can proceed. Fracking is the way toward penetrating and infusing fracking liquid into the ground at high weights so as to break shale rocks to discharge petroleum gas. The fracking strategy is not quite the same as the standard oil method used to get oil. To begin with, they drill vertically into the ground. In the wake of boring, they infuse synthetics, water and sand into the well. We will compose a custom paper test on Its a Fracking Problem or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page At the point when the shale rock is at last split they start separating the flammable gas. There are in excess of 500,000 dynamic flammable gas wells in the U. S. (Risks of Fracking). The materials required at a fracking site are a lot of water and sand. A fracking site needs one to 8,000,000 gallons of water and around 4,000,000 pounds of sand (Dangers of Fracking). The diagram beneath shows the procedure of how fracking is finished. (refer to). The water, sand, and fracking liquid that is placed into the ground during the fracking methodology can have genuine wellbeing impacts. These materials have certain synthetics in them that can make issues families. The sand utilized in the process is â€Å"silica sand†. At the point when the sand is impacted into wells, dust is discharged and goes into the air. With the sand particles now noticeable all around, they can now and again travel and influence individuals close to the site. Impacts from the â€Å"silica sand are silicosis and lung cancer†. â€Å"Silicosis could take years, even a very long time to show up and can't be turned around or cured†. Issues with the silica noticeable all around is the air is that a few families live close to these destinations. There are not many guidelines on measure of silica that can be permitted noticeable all around (Peeples). The fracking liquid utilized contains synthetic compounds like: benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (Dangers of Fracking). A portion of these synthetic substances are utilized for explosives, medications and pesticides. A family’s drinking water was so polluted with synthetics that their water started â€Å"bubbling like champagne† and their all around contained â€Å"so much methane that the water spilling out of a nursery hose could be ignited† (Thomas). The fracking liquid that was released or left over has likewise affected ranchers. A rancher did an investigation with a knew about his dairy animals. He isolated two gatherings of dairy animals one containing sixty cows and the other just containing thirty six. Of the dairy animals that were presented to water that had fracking liquid in it twenty one had passed on and sixteen couldn't create calves in the spring. The dairy animals that were isolated from the water containing fracking liquid had no medical issues to them (Ramanujan). With all the genuine wellbeing impacts caused from ill-advised fracking why hasnt anybody successfully prevent organizations from arranging the synthetic concoctions inappropriately. â€Å"Fracking has just drawn impressive investigation from ecological gatherings, troubled property holders, and groups of legal advisors who accuse the boring strategy for contaminating immaculate waterways, transforming rustic farmlands into loud mechanical zones, and releasing enough methane to make customary faucet water as combustible as lighter fluid† (Hydrofracking). The fundamental worry that is raised by fracking is on the off chance that it is protected enough for families and the earth. An individual meeting was directed on Joe Nye who is an individual from the Clean Water Action gathering. He was asked â€Å"Will there ever be a protected method to even now utilize water driven fracking? †. Joe’s reaction was â€Å"No approach to know, however we do realize that the current way isn't sufficiently protected to mark it safe. We have to concentrate on really safe wellsprings of vitality like breeze and sun powered force and an accentuation on electric vehicles to decrease ozone depleting substance outflows and maintain a strategic distance from the negative and destroying impacts of atmosphere change† (Nye). In the condition the ground water and the air are the most affected from fracking. Synthetic compounds can spill from the wells and get into the earths spring. The spring contains all of earths drinking water. It additionally contains water that is utilized for our harvests. Fracking likewise influences the air. Since there are not many guidelines brown haze is delivered where high territories of fracking happen and where there are blanketed spots. The synthetic substances that are utilized in fracking are put away in regions called â€Å"frac pits† (Nye). â€Å"The exclusion for the gaseous petrol industry in the Clean Air Act permits drillers to dump an obscure measure of poisonous contamination into our air, in some cases only a football field away from your home. Along these lines, we’re seeing more awful air quality and messy air in the Wyoming fields that we find in Los Angeles† (Brune). Another impact that can happen from fracking are tremors. A Canadian news story said â€Å"There has been two investigations that have affirmed that seismic tremors can be brought about by fracking. The seismic tremors had not legitimately been brought about by the fracking procedure yet the waste water arranged improperly† (Earthquakes). There are ways however to help decline the event of quakes and brown haze in a region. Guidelines have been made to prevent companys from discharging an excessive amount of synthetic concoctions into the ground. A bill that was presented that says â€Å"Companies would now need to submit free audits of their operation† (USA Today). More bills state â€Å"That in California they would briefly quit hydrofracking in aquifers†. (calf). They additionally expressed â€Å"The organization would likewise need to give a rundown of the synthetic substances that are really going into the ground† (calf). These little guidelines and rules may not appear a lot, however extra time they will hep secure the earth. Individuals for fracking state that fracking will flexibly the U. S. with increasingly gaseous petrol and abatement the United States reliance on outside oil, however is the Unites States really keeping every last bit of it? Fracking has numerous weaknesses, however it has a couple of focal points also. Fracking takes into consideration individuals to arrive at in any case out of reach gas. With individuals ready to arrive at this flammable gas, it will chop down the United States reliance on different countrys oil. Another positive for fracking is that it makes occupations for the economy. In the event that more employments are made, that implies that more Americans are working and that the economy is improving. Likewise with fracking the petroleum gas created from boring is cleaner to consume at that point coal, that is if consumed appropriately. Despite the fact that these positives appear to be awesome the negatives of fracking still out standard its positives. Each site that is manufactured uses a lot of water and land. The positives appear to be extraordinary for the U. S. , yet are the negatives extremely worth the positives? The utilization of hydrofracking is quickly expanding as a principle approach to get petroleum gas out of the ground. With fracking expanding so rapidly there will be supporters for both for and against it. What fracking really is, is a procedure wherein a blend of water, sand and synthetic substances is impacted into the ground at high weights to remove gaseous petrol caught in the shale rock. The procedure appears to be protected and simple to keep in charge, however ordinarily wells wind up spilling and going in to the ground and people groups drinking water. Likewise if the fracking liquid is arranged inappropriately it could get into the air and travel away from the first site to families. Families that are presented to this harmful air are at risk for securing silicosis or even lung malignancy (Peeples). Despite the fact that there are these negative impact there are still a few positives to take a gander at. With fracking comes and increment in employments for the U. S. and furthermore and increment in the United States economy. As the United States economy improves, they can gradually work away at the enormous obligation they our in.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Cookery Management

Question: Examine about the Cookery Management. Answer: Presentation: The nature of the readied suppers is guaranteed by following a five stage process otherwise called the PROUD. The five stages characterized under this abbreviation are recorded underneath as follows: P-Planning of the food creation with the end goal of in the nick of time stock administration R-Reviewing and checking of the quality score card and the normalized rrecipe O-Organizing of the types of gear and the various fixings in the formula U-Usage of the suitable abilities and methods D-Delivering an elevated expectation item The initial phase in the previously mentioned process is the arranging of the food creation stronghold hen motivation behind keeping up a without a moment to spare assistance angle. According to this idea then food things are cooked or served simply subsequent to getting at that point orders. With the end goal of fruitful execution of this administration, the nourishment group of the school should design from already. The school group ought to likewise guarantee auditing of the work routine and make justification for effective correspondence between the front and the posterior of the house. The front of the house staffs are alluded to the ones who are liable for serving to the feasting and serving the clients, while then back of the house staff are alluded to the ones liable for kitchen territory work force. The assurance of the kitchen desires ought to likewise be considered (Tobin et al.2016). The subsequent advance includes the looking into of the quality score and the standard procedure of the formula. At that point quality scorecard portrays in how the last item lobby lookm and taste. The quality standard should be assessed on the food and drink things served in the school dependent on the appearance. For instance the visual portrayal of the food thing at the hour of cooking. The quality is likewise surveyed on the surface segment, which thinks about how food should taste in the mouth, flavors, which shows the flavor of food, perfect assistance temperatures, healthy benefit and so on (Cusack 2014). Aside from exploring the quality scorecard one must audit the formula. The standard formula gives the cook the suitable methods and rules for keeping up the consistency in the food items. Consequently it is important to cross check the technique and rules front he starting as far as possible before the planning methodology. This guides in forestalling any disasters emerging later during the food arrangement process. The third step manages arranging the formula constituents. This included the different kinds of the prepare steps. This aides in sparing basic time and vitality of the cook. The fourth step manages then use of the right method for culinary. This must be guaranteed by the dietary master by the determination of the correct devices which is fundamental to execute the best possible culinary procedure. At that point use of the suitable culinary methods guarantees greatest proficiency in the readiness procedure (May 2014). The fifth step guarantees the conveyance of the quality item. The staffs distributed in the front of the house are mindful to speak to the aptitudes of the rear of the house in wording o the food planning capacity. It additionally sends the message that the client are presented with most extreme consideration. The coking proficient, ought to be capable to put the planning things in the fundamental get together and the fixings. The arranging ought to be completed a few strides ahead. The separate healthful colleagues should audit the menu a f at that point normalized plans, food creation record and the day by day work plan. Besides, the every day work plan gives the subtleties of the food delivered and the particular occupation to the wholesome faculty. The every day work routine is time bound, which implies the time taken for the alloted employment and errands. The in the nick of time, idea in the administration viewpoint manages the time taken for the representatives in keeping up the administration perspective food conveyance (Escoffier 2013). Furthermore the record of the food creation menu is essential by the government guidelines, which features the suppers that have been arranged and arranged to be served to the clients. The government guidelines authority may additionally utilize this so as to show the consistence to the program. This record is additionally valuable in the determining while at the same time putting in the requests for the basic food item things. The record is known to come up short on the accessible space that should be determined in the detail segment of the food creation data. Sorting out the accessibility of food supplies Different abilities are required for arranging the accessibility of food supplies. The creation faculty ought to be up sufficiently talented to give a composed or verbal guidance to the food creation group. It should additionally remember basic intuition methods for request to break down the food creation prerequisite and improvement of then operational plans all together meet the different sorts of necessities. The creation work force ought to likewise have education aptitudes to peruse and understanding of the plans, stocks, control record and menus. He/She should have the option to compose far reaching still effectively available work process plan, arranging of the food arrangement list, have numeracy aptitudes which is require to ascertain the prerequisite for the food supplies. At that point arranging of the food supplies should likewise guarantee less time is required for creation sequencing of the different food things, arranging and sorting out of the staff and decide the lac ks regarding the nature of then food (Pegge 2014). Administering the cooking activities A few strategies should be utilized to survey the pragmatic usage of the abilities and information. The strategies are referenced beneath as follows. Legitimately watching the people planning the cooking tasks as far as the quantity of periods for administration. The activities which helps the people to build up their abilities The manuals and the archives explicit to the prerequisite of then unique necessity for food creation: Routine with the end goal of kitchen work process Hierarchical plans Rundown of plan with the end goal of food planning The various types of the activities which permit the people to compute the prerequisite of the arranged nourishment with the end goal of various creation necessities Set menu Mass cooking activities Smorgasbord la carte Activities which are critical thinking in nature which permit the people to react to the breakdown of the work process in the kitchen and afterward a few, types insufficiencies in the nature of the food Various sorts of the composed or oral poll identified with Creation procedure of then food things Plans utilized in the menus of the diverse food things The different kind of the marker as far as the nature of the food items The utilization of the various kinds of the food creation framework and their employments The procedure for the survey of the portfolio for the various sorts of the proof identified with the outsider reports in the working environment and on work execution by the various kinds of the people. The separate boss should additionally guarantee the reconciliation of the evaluation with different units, pertinent to the particular occupation job, work environment and industry area, in this way observing all parts of food creation and guaranteeing nothing leaves the kitchen inadequate and the work forms are beneficial. Keeping up a smooth work process inside the kitchen, managing issues or issues as they emerge and giving sound administration inside the kitchen are important for a quality food creation process. At last, regulating the tidy up and capacity of food according to the necessity is likewise the obligation of the creation work force (DeBoer 2015). Reference List Cusack, I., 2014. ''The Aroma Produced this Time is Inviting'': Variations in Gustatory Enthusiasm in the African Cookery Book. DeBoer, R., 2015, December. Handy cookery course on'free from'alternatives improves the information and certainty of Dietitians while exhorting unfavorably susceptible families. In clinical and test sensitivity (vol. 45, no. 12, pp. 1893-1893). 111 waterway st, hoboken 07030-5774, nj usa: wiley-blackwell. Escoffier, A., 2013. A manual for present day cookery. Cambridge University Press. May, R., 2014. The Accomplisht Cook or the Art and Mystery of Cookery (1685). BR Samizdat Express. Pegge, S. ed., 2014. The Forme of Cury, a Roll of Ancient English Cookery. Cambridge University Press. Tobin, K., Hickey, B. what's more, Linehan, M., 2016. East Corks Quiet Revolution: The Role of Ballymaloe Cookery School in Irelands Changing Foodscape.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Domestic Windmill using Bevel Gear Mechanism

Local Windmill utilizing Bevel Gear Mechanism Presentation: CE1.1: In this profession scene, I will concentrate on one of the activities which I have completed while seeking after my college degree in Mechanical Engineering. This venture helped me in understanding the working instrument of slope riggings and how sustainable assets can be utilized to create power. Foundation: CE 1.2: Wind vitality has been utilized for different purposes throughout the years. The idea of windmill was set up in the tenth century and has been improving from that point onward. The fundamental guideline working of windmill is transformation of wind vitality to rotational vitality by methods for vanes called edges, which is then changed over into mechanical vitality with the assistance of angle gears. CE 1.3: The principle point of the venture was to deliver multiple times the force than the real windmill (for example 4:1). It depends on the rule of the force age in the genuine breeze factory. Another part of the undertaking was additionally utilizing the systems of slope gears, heading, shaft, and pulley to produce power from the genuine breeze factory. CE 1.4: The hierarchical structure of the task is as per the following: CE 1.5: The accompanying exercises were basic to effective rivalry of the venture: Being comparable to the time period given by the educator. I needed to peruse books identified with slope riggings and windmill to comprehend the working strategy. Have conversations with venture director and colleague on the most proficient method to complete the work. Talk about with lab professionals how to associate the slant gears with the poles. I proposed the structure of the windmill and completed the important counts required. The venture documentation was finished alongside my colleague which introduced my finding and the outcomes to the undertaking boss and the workforce. Individual Engineering Activity: CE 1.6 Dealing with a task is the most fascinating part where learning is basic and essential in effective fruition of the undertaking. I originally moved toward my task chief alongside my colleague to examine about the various thoughts. After cautious assessment, myself and my colleague chose to chip away at something which helps in decreasing the contamination and working with inexhaustible assets. Which lead to chipping away at power age of windmill with assistance of incline gears. CE 1.7 The underlying advance of the venture was to structure the model of the windmill and how to set up the association between the poles, apparatuses, engine, and batteries. The structure of the model was completed utilizing AutoCAD programming. I took in the nuts and bolts from Design of Machine Members subject and with the assistance of lab partner comprehended the apparatuses fundamental for making the model. When our undertaking guide endorsed of the structure of windmill, the get together of parts was expected to get the working model of the proposed windmill. CE 1.8 When the parts were acquired for the culmination of windmill, my colleague and I had encountered trouble in setting up a legitimate association, yet with the assistance of venture guide and lab experts myself and my colleague had the option to get the riggings and the poles working. The windmill comprised of three vanes which were associated with an essential shaft and fan center point. This arrangement was then associated the apparatus and metal roller on the two its end. I at that point recommended that each pole be fixed to its particular dynamo utilizing gripper belts. The gripper belt associated between the poles and dynamo pulleys makes dynamo produce the electrical vitality. The force produced is put away in battery and utilized for household purposes. The following is the rundown of articles alongside the determinations which were a piece of the undertaking. S.No. Depiction PINION Rigging 1 Material C 45 Steel C 45 Steel 2 Cone Distance 18 mm 18 mm 3 Module 1 mm 1 mm 4 No. of Teeth 10 18 5 Face Width 6 mm 6 mm 6 Semi Cone Angle 29.05o 60.94o 7 Addendum 1 mm 1 mm 8 Dedendum 1.1236 1.1236 9 Pitch Circle Diameter 10 mm 28 mm 10 Tip Circle Diameter 11.74 mm 18.97 mm 11 Tip Angle 32.22o 64.11o 12 Root Angle 25.256o 57.126o 13 Addendum Angle 3.17o 3.17o 14 Dedendum Angle 3.814o 3.814o Table 1: Specifications CE 1.9: When the model was prepared, I did not many basic examination utilizing ANSYS programming which our task control thought us. ANSYS was done to contemplate the pressure, strain, and warmth dispersal because of consistent pivot of the incline gears. I found that all out disfigurement was the most extreme on the external edge of the apparatuses and least on the internal edge as significant powers followed up on the external edge because of the state of the slant gears at whatever point they came into contact. When the pressure investigation was conveyed. Myself and my colleague completed the force created by the windmill utilizing the fundamental force condition. Ï =â Density of air 1.28 kg/m3 A=â Area of the Wind V2=â Velocity of Air CE 1.10 Task Photos: CE 1.11 Coming up next are the decisions I could make: The venture myself and my colleague completes made an intriguing undertaking in the field of utilizing inexhaustible wellspring of local windmill and to create the adequate vitality for the residential reason. The undertaking likewise diminished the cost associated with building up a windmill. It likewise got the necessities set together by our venture control toward the start of the undertaking. The undertaking doesn't create any destructive ozone harming substances which contaminate the climate. Rundown CE 1.12 Myself and my colleague effectively finished the task on the force age of Windmill utilizing Bevel apparatuses to produce multiple times the force. This task helped me in understanding the working of angle riggings and how they are associated with shafts. Likewise, how to utilize sustainable assets to create power. CE 1.13 This task helped me to improve my aptitudes recorded as a hard copy as a component of the undertaking a nitty gritty report was to be submitted clarifying our discoveries. I have additionally learned two new virtual products ANSYS and AutoCAD which prove to be useful later on. With consistent help and audit from our undertaking guide myself and my colleague had the option to improve relational abilities and effectively finished the necessary task.

Monday, June 8, 2020

MBA Blogger Interview LastChanceMBA

LastChanceMBA We’d like to introduce you to LastChanceMBA, an anonymous MBA reapplicant who blogs at Last Chance MBA. LastChanceMBA shares with us here lots of valuable tips from his previous application attempts; and as you’ll see, this time he’s positioned for a successful application season! Thank you LastChanceMBA for your advice, and best of luck to you! Accepted: First, can you tell us a little about yourself? Where are you from? Where and what did you study as an undergrad? Do you hold any other degrees? LastChanceMBA: I grew up in a suburb in the Deep South. I come from an immigrant working-class background, so financially my family was never well off, but my parents worked hard to take care of us. I eventually went to an Ivy League school for undergrad, where I double majored in history and philosophy and then completed a master’s degree in political science at another top school. Accepted: When did you apply to b-school the first time? What do you think went wrong that time, and how do you plan on reapplying successfully? LastChanceMBA: It’s embarrassing to admit this, but I guess you can say I’m a super re-applicant. I have applied to business schools unsuccessfully 3 times. My first app was back in 2008 right after the financial crisis. The second one came two years afterwards, and then my third attempt was this year. In my first two applications I had no idea what I was doing; this time I thought my application was strong, but in hindsight I did a very poor job of executing and did not convey realistic career goals. Simply put, I did not do a good job of selling myself to adcom. Moreover, traders have a very difficult time getting into top business schools; I articulated the reasons for this in one of my blog posts. For my next (and last) app cycle, I am going to do several things: articulate career goals that are in line with my experience and which an MBA will actually help me to achieve, emphasize more forcefully my leadership and teamwork skills, and explain my non-traditional story in a more convincing manner. I am hoping that my current startup work and extensive nonprofit work will bolster my profile. Accepted: Where do you plan on applying? Which is your top choice program? LastChanceMBA: I don’t have my school selection finalized yet, but my â€Å"core† schools are Wharton, Booth, Sloan, Columbia, Kellogg, and Tuck. I may also apply to some combination of Haas, Stern, Anderson, Yale, depending on a number of factors. My first choice is Wharton: it is a perfect fit for my interests, and I absolutely love the culture and dynamic student body. The atmosphere there is simply electric! Accepted: As an older applicant, you clearly have more life and work experience. How do you plan on emphasizing to the adcoms that your age is an advantage? LastChanceMBA: I have several challenges. As someone who applied several times before, I have to demonstrate what has changed in the last year and show that my new responsibilities are a step up from my previous job. I also need to articulate very clear career goals that are in line with the MBA and make sense given my past experience. I’m not entirely sure on what my strategy is yet, to be honest. I think I’m going to have to pick some compelling examples of leadership and teamwork, to demonstrate that I have been progressing despite the fact that trading is not very conducive to traditional promotions. I will probably use the Booth power point to tackle the age issue in a humorous manner. We shall see. Accepted: What is your current position? Do you plan on continuing in the industry/function after you receive your MBA or switching careers? LastChanceMBA: Im currently a trader at a top proprietary trading firm, doing market making and arbitrage on a variety of financial instruments:   commodity futures, spot currency, currency futures, ETFs.  Post-MBA I am very much interested in transitioning to risk consulting, focusing specifically on financial markets and trading risk. I believe that with increased regulations and the uncertain macro environment we live in, there is going to be a lot of opportunity in this field, as large financial institutions aim to cope with this new reality while still trying to maximize profits. Because much of my work experience has been at the intersection of trading and tech, I think I can bring a lot to the table in such a role. The MBA will allow me to integrate finance, statistics, and operations, so that I can develop a comprehensive framework for analyzing risk. This education will take place in a very team-oriented setting, thus allowing me to test my ideas with very bright classma tes and learn to sift through nuances in a dynamic environment. I believe that such interactions will serve me well in consulting. Accepted: As someone who has been through the application process before, you must have a lot of insight to share. What would you say are your top 3 tips for first-time applicants?   LastChanceMBA: Several tips. First, make sure you get your story straight, in terms of career goals, why an MBA, why that school, and your overall narrative. Lot of qualified applicants get arrogant, hoping to coast by on their stats and resume and then get hurt badly. Second, give yourself AT LEAST 3 months to work on essays. This past year, I did not start working on my essays until late October due to the GMAT. Even that was not enough time. I think applicants underestimate how much time it takes to write truly effective essays. Oftentimes, they look at the questions in say August and tell themselves, â€Å"Oh these questions seem fairly easy. I’ll worry about it in November since I’m applying in round 2.† That would be a HUGE mistake. Trust me on this one. And third, make sure you present a multi-dimensional portrait of you, both professionally and personally. I think finance and consulting people tend to rely on their quantitative and analytical skills without placing enough emphasis on their interpersonal skills and ability to overcome personal obstacles. Remember that the entire application is one large marketing scheme, with the sole purpose of gaining you admission. If you don’t get in, it most likely means you failed to properly sell yourself to the school. I would say about 70% of the applicants at most top schools possess the raw credentials to get in, so think about what truly sets you apart. To put it another way, why would a smart talented professional want to spend $150K to sit next to you in class? What do you bring to the class that very few can offer? Accepted: Why did you decide to blog about your reapplication experience? LastChanceMBA: I have always loved to think and write. My good friends who read my MBA essays were shocked at how bad my essays were, even though I’m a pretty good writer. I realize that MBA essays are more of an art form than a science and that I need to drastically change my approach. A few people, such as MBAOver30 (best MBA blog by the way!) recommended that I start a blog in order to improve my â€Å"MBA writing† and further clarify my thought process along the way. In a way it will serve to prepare me for writing application essays. Furthermore, I really enjoy helping people, and I hope that my blog will offer some useful nuggets to other applicants. Do you want to be featured in Accepted.coms blog, Accepted Admissions Blog? If you want to share your MBA/EMBA journey with the world (or at least with our readers), email us at //

Sunday, May 17, 2020

African-American Women Understanding The Problems of...

African-American Women: Gender and Race Introduction African-American women have often been an overlooked group with the larger context of American Society. Historically, oppression has been meted out to the African-American woman in two ways. Historically, everything afforded to African-American, from educational and employment opportunities to health care have been sub-par. As women they have been relegated even further in a patriarchal society that has always, invariably, held men in higher regard. Throughout history black women have been referred to as â€Å"slave†, â€Å"wench†, â€Å"nigger† and â€Å"mammy† amongst other things. Her children have been referred to as â€Å"pickaninny† and â€Å"niglet†. They have been beaten, routinely raped and abused in†¦show more content†¦In terms of mental, emotional and physical health how does the African-American woman compare with other cultural groups? How does she cope? How does she view herself and her circumstances? Where is sh e now in terms of employment and educational opportunities? Historical Overview The first Africans landed on the shores of America in 1619, there were 17 men and three women. When they arrived these Africans were not considered slaves, they were instead identified as indentured servants. This would eventually change and by the time slavery ended in 1865 it is estimated that more than 500.000 Africans had been imported to America as slave labor. Although there were many common factors within the institution of slavery for both men and women there were also circumstances that were unique to women. â€Å"The first slaves to be brought to the British colonies of North America were disproportionately male. Considered more valuable workers because of their strength, enslaved men performed labors that ranged from building houses to plowing fields. When the Dutch brought African and Creole women into New Amsterdam in the late 1620s, they did so not to supplement their workforce, but to provide company for their black male slaves† (Hallan, 20 04). This tells us that from the beginning the African woman was less valuable and her treatment by the slave owners was a direct reflection of this. â€Å"The slave owners exploitation of the blackShow MoreRelatedUnderstanding Gender Identity and Sexuality1083 Words   |  5 Pagesthe terms â€Å"gender† and â€Å"sex† are often used interchangeably, the two words have significantly different definitions. One could argue that sex refers to biological essentialism and the idea that we are who we are because of our genetic material. On the other hand, gender is associated with the social constructionist theory, which argues that the way we are is dependent on our race, class, and sexuality. 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In a way SNCC acted similarly to the radical abolitionists of theRead MoreThe Beliefs Of Misconceptions And Gender, Race, And Sexuality1472 Words   |  6 Pagesalready existent towards multi social groups’ underlying different issues mostly affecting African Americans. These issues highlighted by Collins include, â€Å"a set of ideas and social practices shaped by gender, race, and sexuality that frame Black men and women’s treatment of one another, as well as how African Americans are perceived and treated by others† (p.7). These ideas encapsulate a f alse understanding of the issues surrounding the persecutions the black community undergoes frequent. The notionRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Black Women 1645 Words   |  7 PagesBlack women in America are faced with many challenges. Sexual discrimination and outspoken anger were some of the oppressions that African-American women had to contend with. They were marginalized even on the political aspect. Nobody was ready to come to their rescue. They were marginalized and frustrated by claims about a universal sisterhood that was oppressive. They were discriminated along racial, ethnic, class and social lines drawing them as half-humans. They had to go through difficultiesRead MoreEssay on Cultural and Racial Stereotyping1439 Words   |  6 Pages Most people find stereotypes to be obnoxious, especially when they have to do with sensitive subjects like gender or race. â€Å"Stereotyping is a generalization about a group or category of people that can have a powerful influence on how we perceive others and their communication behaviors† (Floyd, 61). Because they underestimate the differences among individuals in a group, stereotyping can lead to inaccurate and offensive perceptions of other people. Although stereotypes are prevalent in almost every

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Love in Tess of the DUrbervilles Essay - 1600 Words

Is being in love always a happy experience? With references to the main characters in Tess of the D’Urbervilles, show the range of emotions love can bring. Tess of the D’Urbervilles Is being in love always a happy experience? With references to the main characters in ‘Tess of the D’Urbervilles’, show the range of emotions love can bring. Thomas Hardy was born in June 1840 and was educated until he was 16 near Dorchester. By 1867 Hardy had begun to write his first unpublished novel, ‘The Poor Man and the Lady’. By the time he had married his wife in 1874 he had written four novels and was earning a living as a writer. It total Thomas Hardy has written eleven novels, one of which is ‘Tess of the D’Urbervilles’ set in†¦show more content†¦This makes it very hard for Tess to ignore Alec altogether as she believes she owes something to Alec. Alec knows this and therefore takes advantage of the situation when he seduces Tess when they are alone in some woods together. In another version of the book, it clearly states that Alec first gives Tess a drug that makes her unaware of what is happening. This would make the event rape not seduction. In Hardy’s time this would have been a very daring thing to write about as no other author had dared to write about anything like it before. Now however, people would not be as shocked as there are many more books written with much more graphic description than this novel. Alec’s feelings towards Tess not being reciprocated show that love is not always a happy experience although he does not really love her; it is just lust and obsession. Here the emotions of Tess are that she feels ashamed and dirty. Alec is obsessive and very determined to be with Tess. After this event Tess decides it best to leave and return home to her family. When Tess does arrive home she partially blames her mother for what happened with Alec whilst she was away. She asks her ‘How could I be expected to know? I was only a child when I left this house four months ago. Why didn’t you tell me there was danger?’ Due to the way she feels about Alec, TessShow MoreRelatedTragedy in Tess of the D’Urberville by Thomas Hardy Essay893 Words   |  4 PagesHardy’s novel Tess of the D’Urberville is based on the tragedy of Tess’ life. Throughout the novel Tess goes through numerous amounts of suffering .Traditionally, it was believed that tragedy was due to hamartia. Aristotle described hamartia as a flaw that leads to the fall of the protagonist caused by mistake in a person’s behaviour. However, Tess does not have a flaw but she still suffers despite the fact that she did not do anything wrong. Hardy demonstrates that Tess is a woman in a patriarchalRead More Tess Of The Durbervilles: Coincidences Lead To Consequences Essays1419 Words   |  6 Pagesportrays chance and coincidence as having very significant roles in quot;Tess of the dUrbervillesquot; continuously. Three such coincidences were quite influential and had large effects on Tesss future. The first bein g that Tess Durbeyfields father, discovered that their family came from the oldest, (and at one time) most wealthiest family in England. Another event that occurs by mere chance in Tesss life is when Tess slips a letter of confession underneath both her lovers door and (by accident)Read MoreThomas Hardy s Tess Of The D Urbervilles1317 Words   |  6 PagesIn Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the d’Urbervilles, Tess Durbeyfield, who is related to the ancient upper-class d’Urberville family, describes herself as â€Å"only a peasant by position, not by nature† (239). When Mr. Durbeyfield, Tess’ father, discovers that he comes from the line of the d’Urbervilles, many of Tess’ features and characteristics are explained. However, while Tess’ appearance and qualities cause her to appear as an aristocrat, her upbringing justifies her as a peasant. Tess’ family is financiallyRead MoreTess of the DUrbervilles: Coincidences Lead to Consequences1496 Words   |  6 PagesThomas Hardy portrays chance and coincidence as having very significant roles in Tess of the dUrbervilles continuously. Three such coincidences were quite influential and had large effects on Tesss future. The first being that Tess Durbeyfields father, discovered that their family came from the oldest, (and at one time) most wealthiest family in England. Another event that occurs by mere chance in Tesss life is when Tess slips a letter of confession underneath both her lovers door and (by accident)Read MoreTess of the DUberville1525 Words   |  7 PagesLe A3 Book Card Title: Tess of the D’Urbervilles Author: Thomas Hardy Genre (include original copyright date): Tragedy (1891) Setting (remember setting is not just time and place): Victorian Era England, Wessex County, and English peasantry life Characters and Brief Description (include quotes): Tess Durbeyfield: oldest in family, beautiful, naà ¯ve, innocent, immature, runs away from her problems, prioritizes family first, believes anything Angel says. â€Å"Tess Durbeyfield at this timeRead MoreTess of the DUrbervilles by Thomas Hardy Essay1070 Words   |  5 Pagesis what Tess Durbeyfield had to do in Tess of the Durbervilles by Thomas Hardy. Tess’s strength develops as she contends with two cultural issues; the cultural expectation for women to be pure, and the cultural system of a social hierarchy. In Tess of the Durbervilles, there is a double standard for women, for Tess. Women are expected to be pure because without their pureness, they are soiled and unsuitable for marriage. Therefore, when Tess was taken advantage of by Alec D’urberville, she wasRead MoreThe Role Of Judgement In The Society Of Tess Of The DUrbervilles1526 Words   |  7 Pages The society of Tess of the d’Urbervilles based their ruling off of two things. Their judgement and the justice for their judgement. This means if a woman was to cheat on her husband, he is allowed to harm her, but if he were to cheat on her there is no harm or foul. Their reasoning behind this logic is women are seen as property and not as a person. The women in this age weren’t allowed to do much without their husband and if they didn’t have a husband they were often seen as unvalued or asRead More Analysis of Tess of the DUrbervilles by Thomas Hardy Essay3684 Words   |  15 PagesAnalysis of Tess of the DUrbervilles by Thomas Hardy The depth of artistic unity found in Thomas Hardys Tess of the DUrbervilles pervades every chapter of the novel. No one chapter is less important than another because each is essential in order to tell the tragic tale of Tess Durbeyfield. There is never an instance in Hardys prose that suggests frill or excess. Themes of the Industrial Revolution in England, the status of women during Victorian England, Christianity vs. Paganism, mattersRead MoreHow Money And Class Function Tess s Life887 Words   |  4 PagesHow Does Money and Class Function Tess s Life During the 19th century, Britain Victorian Era, the class or social status and money played a significant role in shaping the social systems and functions of the society. The possession of money and being at the top class in the society meant those people were influential and had a wide range of opportunities. On the other hand, it was very challenging for the lower class to transition to a higher class social status. Therefore, there were high chancesRead MoreTess of the DUrbervilles by THomas Hardy Essay718 Words   |  3 PagesTess of the DUrbervilles is a movie based on a novel by Thomas Hardy. The story involves a young girl named Tess who will be the victim, the prey, and sometimes the lover of many men. She will go through this without ever understanding what it is that those men want of her. The first man in her life is her father, whose name is John Durbeyfield. He was a drunken farmer. John discovers from the local parson that he is related to the noble local family of dUrbervilles. After finding out this information

The barbers Trade union Summary free essay sample

Asst. Prof. of English, Lal Bahadur Shastri Mahavidyalaya, Dharmabada, Mulk Raj Anand (1905-2004) was born in a Kshatriya family in Peshawar. After completing his education in India, he went abroad for pursuing higher studies including a doctor of philosophy. He has been conferred upon many prestigious awards like the Padma Bhushan, the International Peace Prize, the Sahitya Academy Award etc. He has been prolific as a novelist, short story writer and critic. Among his novels are Untouchable (1935), Coolie (1936), Two Leaves and a Bud (1937), The Village (1939), Across the Black Waters (1940), The Sword and the Sickle (1942), Lament on the Death of a Master of Arts (1939), The Big Heart (1945), The Private Life of an Indian Prince (1953), The Death of a Hero (1963) and Morning Face (1968). The Barber’s Trade Union and Other Stories (1944) established Anand as a seasoned short story writer. He observed the rudiments of the contemporary orthodox Hindu in toto and tried, through his literary projection, to expose it. Anand, the Emile Zola and the Balzac of Indian Writing in English, is the champion of the underdogs, the suppressed and the deprived in the India society. The thematic corpus of Mulk Raj Anand consists preponderantly of the  concerns of the depressed and the underprivileged classes in the Indian society. Anand is often castigated as being a propagandist, rather than a litterateur. His reviewers, however, fail to take stock of his artistic skills. Anand is known more to be a novelist. His short stories have not comparatively received as much critical attention and acclaim. But, the fact is that his short stories, like his novels , also are of equal literary and social significance. Some of his stories really are literary masterpieces and do invite critical attention and appreciation. One of his remarkable short stories is The Barber’s Trade Union (1944). Unlike others, Mulk Raj Anand’s literary focus is on the very people with whom he frolicked, played right from his childhood, namely, the repressed, the downtrodden, the untouchables in the society. He himself acknowledges in the preface to Two Leaves and a Bud : â€Å"All these heroes as the other men and women who had emerged in my novels and short stories, were dear to me because they were the reflection of real people I had known during my childhood and youth. They were flesh of my flesh and blood of my blood and obsessed me in the way in which certain beings obsess an artist’s soul. And I was doing no more than what a writer does when he sees to interpret the truth from the realities of life†. Anand very vehemently favours art for the sake of life. Mulk Raj Anand’s concentration has always been on the eradication of social stigmas like casteism, untouchability, unequal social gradation and stratification based on birth. He believes that man should be known by his worth and not by birth. He utilizes art with a view to fulfilling this intent. The social blots have been in the Indian society for ages together. Anand has a deep sense of sympathy for the depressed, their plight and  predicament and calls them truly heroic. On one hand he exposes the economic disparity among the Indian people and on the other hits hard against the age-old inhuman, base traditions which rendered these unfortunate sections of the society equal to the savage. This kind of hard stricture is conspicuous both in his novels and short stories as well. Bakha, the protagonist in his debut novel untouchable , Munoo, the protagonist in the novel coolie , like Chandu, the protagonist in the short story under study – The Barber’s SHO D SAMIKSHA AUR MULY ANKA N 21 International Research Journal ISSN-0974-2832 Trade Union , all testify to the atrocities, coercion to which these ill-fated masses are subjected. As mentioned, Chandu , a barber boy, is the protagonist in the short story. He is quite unlike Bakha and Munoo in the sense that both of them are submissive and succumb to circumstances. Chandu is dynamic and by the dint of his candour and ingenuity, he emerges triumphant at the end of the story. He turns out quite capable of penetrating the labyrinth of the hoary inhuman traditions. The story basically depicts the conflict between Chandu and the orthodox, reactionary society, with the former turning out to be victorious and the  latter at the receiving end. The theme of the story is the exploitation of the oppressed at the hands of the so – called caste Hindus with a comic touch. Mulk Raj Anand fully concedes dignity to man irrespective of his status. The short story witnesses restitution of dignity to the protagonist robbed by the reactionary. The setting of the novel is ty pically Indian. The narrator of the story partakes in every single development in the story and has full allegiance to Chandu, his friend, philosopher and guide. Mulk Raj Anand has succeeded in maintaining the humorous vein throughout the story, elevating Chandu. At the very outset of the story, Mulk Raj Anand wittily mentions –†Among the makers of modern India, Chandu, the barber boy of our village, has a place which will be denied him unless I press for the recognition of his contribution to history†. As we move on, Chandu’s multifarious and realistic character is revealed to us. He is good at reciting poetry, but is bad at mathematics. He is not, however, solely responsible for it. He has to ply his hereditary profession at the behest of his father. His schooling comes to a complete standstill on account of his father’s demise. At a tender age, Chandu embarks upon fullfledged domestic responsibility. Every morning Chandu has to make errands to the notables in the village for shaving and hair-cutting. All goes well and the set ordered is not disturbed unless Chandu starts going to the Taluka for transacting business. He observes certain novelties there, particularly the rig out of doctor Kalan Khan- a white turban, a white rubber coat and a leather bag in hand. He is uncontrollably fascinated towards the apparel. He has attraction for the medical profession as he has bequeathed some medical tips and snippets from his father. Chandu’s new attire brings about great clamour and chaos in the village 22 ‘’kks /k leh{ kk VOL. I * ISSUE—16 RNI : RAJBIL/2009/29954 when he approaches the landlord’s house. The landlord, an ideologue of dogmatism and orthodoxy, having seen Chandu in the new robe, mortifies Chandu in the foulest terms. The landlord reprimands calling Chandu –†The son of a pig! Get out ! Get out ! †¦ You will defile my religion†. It is a fact that innocent low –caste people like Chandu are always treated with humiliation for no fault of theirs. Did Chandu commit any blemish or blunder by wearing a dress like doctor Kalan Khan’s ? The conservative society always prefers injustice and oppression. Chandu is impelled to realize that due to his being a low-caste boy, he is not entitled to such felicity and that he is perpetually harnessed to serve the upper caste society. This is his ineradicable destiny and that he is bound to be in it. The village Sahukar, too, goes one step ahead and deals with Chandu in harshest possible terms –†You little swine, you go on disguising yourself as a clown †¦Ã¢â‚¬  Pandit parmanand, the keeper of the village shrine, also bullies saying –†He is a low caste devil! He is a rogue! †. Chandu is thoroughly humiliated and  exasperated at this treatment. There is a distinct discrepancy between Chandu and Mulk Raj Anand’s other protagonists like Bakha and Munoo. They would have wilted, submitted and succumbed to the circumstance as normal creatures of circumstance would have. But Chandu is entirely unlike them. He is one in hundreds and hundr eds in one. He is intent on topsey- turveying everything orthodox. He is representative of the modern man in the modern world. Chandu, insulted and affronted though, instead of giving into the village superiors, adopts a course of action with a view to teaching the idiots a lesson. His course of action is a course of revolt. He desires to change his fate and fate of his fellow – brothers by way of overcoming his predicament. Despite his being a mere barber boy, he has prowess to outwit and outsmart others. With a view to teaching the orthodox idiots a lesson, he ceases to dance attendance to the village notables and others for shaving and hair –cutting. Instead, he frequents the town for earning. Within a few days, the outcome is easily visible, causing a great problem and inconvenience. Chandu is so shrewd and cunning that he has already had his Verka counterpart in his league. The result is that the landlord looks hoary and his wife has even threatened to leave him. The Sahukar looks like a leper with the brown tinge of tobacco on his vkS j ew Y;kda u International Research Journal ISSN-0974-2832 moustache. The elders in the village become a stock subject of laughter. Chandu very conveniently succeeds in his plan of non-cooperation. The villagers approach the barber at Verka with a double money offer, but in vain. The villagers reel under the new situation while Chandu makes hey in the town. He summons all the barbers in the purview of seven miles and convinces them that it was high time  that all the elders came to them and that they must stop dancing attendance to them. And thus, they launch into â€Å"Rajkot District Barber Brothers’ Hairdressing and Shaving Saloon† and thus become the harbinger and herald of the new era of freedom and justice. Chandu’s victory assumes greater significance especially in the backdrop of the orthodo x and inhuman traditions in the Indian society. VOL. I * ISSUE— 16 RNI : RAJBIL/2009/29954 His triumph restores sanity to the situation. It is not a win which belongs only to Chandu. It is victory of justice, parity, morality and rejuvenation of human dignity. In the nineteen thirties, when Mulk Raj Anand penned the story, social stigmas like casteism, untouchability were rampant. The proletariats and the ‘have – nots’ had no human dignity, being rendered to a barbaric and sub-human status. Mulk Raj Anand, as a seasoned story teller, gives the nation a call in time to wake up to the situation and abjure the evil, inhuman customs and traditions preserved for centuries. Mulk Raj Anand, through the story, assumes a need for social justice, particularly for the weaker sections in the society. The story is elevated to an altogether different level with humour being intertwined.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Unit Activity Essays (1035 words) - Mathematics, Formula

Unit Activity Unit: Single-Variable Expressions This activity will help you meet these educational goals: Mathematical Practices- You will make sense of problems and solve them, use mathematics to model real-world situations, and use appropriate tools strategically. Introduction Have you ever made a mistake when trying to solve a math problem? It can be pretty easy to do, and often will result in losing points on an exam. In the real world, such mistakes can have more serious effects: Miscalculating how much gas you have left in your car will leave you stranded. Miscalculating how much money you have left in your bank account might cost you an overdraft fee. Even more serious, miscalculations have resulted in serious accidents happening many times. Once, as a result of not using the correct units, a satellite sent to Mars burned up in the atmosphere, wasting over $300 million dollars. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help avoid making errors along the way. One of these strategies is manipulating formulas so they are solving for the variable you want before you substitute values for the variables in the formula. This technique is especially useful when working with large, unwieldy numbers. __________________________________________________________________________ Directions and Analysis Task 1: A Journey to Earth Every moment of every day, light pours out from the Sun at the center of our solar system and travels to Earth. It does not arrive at Earth instantaneously though; it takes time to get here. Your task is to figure out how long it takes for light to travel from the Sun to Earth. a. The formula for the velocity of an object is [pic], where v is the velocity of the object, d is the distance traveled, and t is the time elapsed while that distance is traveled. If you had only this formula to work with, what should your first step be in determining how long it takes for light to reach Earth from the Sun? What additional information do you need to calculate this? Type your response here: b. Solve for the variable you are looking for. Show your work. Type your response here: c. Now search the Internet for the values of the variables you do not know. What are they? Type your response here: d. Using the formula you derived and the values you researched, calculate the time it takes for light to travel from the Sun to Earth. Type your response here: e. Felix Baumgartner is a daredevil famous for breaking the sound barrier during a freefall on October 14, 2012. Aided by a weather balloon, he climbed to a height of 128,100 feet. More than 24 miles in the air, he was so high up that he could see Earth's curvature. He then jumped out of the capsule that carried him. On the way down, he traveled at an average of 335.92 miles per hour, at one point even going as fast as 720 miles per hour, breaking the record for the highest skydive ever attempted and breaking the sound barrier in the process. Using the formula you derived in part b, how long did it take Baumgartner to reach the ground, in minutes? Be careful about unit conversions, and show your work. Type your response here: Task 2: Interest in Finance Interest is a concept familiar to most people: every credit card in existence has a term called annual percentage rate (APR), which is an interest rate. Suppose you charged $1,000 to a credit card that has a minimum payment each month equal to the interest owed. Can you figure out how much the interest rate is based on this amount? The formula for simple interest is [pic]where I is the amount you will pay in interest, r is the rate at which interest will accrue, P is the principal (amount borrowed), and m is the number of times the interest is applied. a. To solve for the interest rate of your credit card, you need to understand which variables in the above formula you have. If your minimum monthly payment is $22 on the $1,000 credit card bill, which variables do you know the values of? Type your response here: b. Manipulate the formula so it will calculate the interest rate you are paying instead of the amount of money you are paying. Type your response here: c. Now that you have a formula that will give you the interest rate, plug in the values for

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Writers Can Learn from Middlebrow Masters

Writers Can Learn from Middlebrow Masters Writers Can Learn from Middlebrow Masters Writers Can Learn from Middlebrow Masters By Mark Nichol After several years of intending to read through Patrick O’Brian’s Aubrey/Maturin series of seafaring novels, I’ve finally embarked on that voyage, and I’m delighted to note that O’Brian proves that writers can draw lessons in technique from fiction that doesn’t necessarily make it onto too many Great Literature reading lists. O’Brian wrote twenty novels featuring fictional early nineteenth-century Royal Navy officer Jack Aubrey and his friend, naval surgeon Stephen Maturin, over the course of several decades, leaving another one unfinished when he died in 1999. (It was later published in its incomplete form.) After completing the first installment, Master and Commander, I suspect that they’re all ripping good yarns but not (despite some comparisons to the works of Jane Austen and other literary giants) classics for the ages. Yet they’re instructive in how to write and, in one respect, how not to write. First, the bad news: O’Brian, facing the significant challenge of explaining the naval terminology, traditions, and hierarchy of the Napoleonic era to the many readers unfamiliar with such matters, solved it by having various characters explain nautical concepts to Maturin, a landlubber. Unfortunately, though this technique is reasonable in moderation, here it’s employed to extremes. At times, it’s no more subtle than the satirically excessive exposition in the Austin Powers movie series, with the character Basil Exposition laboriously providing background information to the protagonist (and the audience). But the author’s successful avoidance of narrative exposition (that is, other than in dialogue) is related to his great strength: O’Brian rarely employs attribution; the reader usually knows who is talking. But even more remarkable, he rarely has to describe his masterfully well-developed characters. Aubrey and Maturin are an odd couple; the officer is a big and brash yet charismatic leader, while his friend is a quiet, studious surgeon/naturalist/philosopher. The author subtly signals the doctor’s initial unease with shipboard life (he gets in sailors’ way or hits his head on the low beams belowdecks) and his preoccupation with surgical procedures and natural phenomena by indirect reference. Among the best small moments are those in which Maturin tries to engage the practical and intelligent but unschooled Aubrey in intellectual discussion. I did not take advantage of opportunities to work my way through the literary-classics canon during my own schooling, and I am at sea when it comes to lit crit. (If I were asked to analyze the subtext of a cornerstone of the literary tradition, I would probably blithely blink without comprehension much like Aubrey does when confronted with a Latin expression.) But I found myself very much impressed (without being very much distracted) by the mastery with which O’Brian conveys character without describing his characters. I am certain that such lessons in narrative technique can be drawn from many novelists great and small (and in between), and you likely can relate your favorite epiphany of this type. This point only proves that wisdom and inspiration are to be found in unexpected places. Enjoy your pulp fiction, airport novels, beach books, light reading in whatever form your leisure reading takes (including enjoying Great Literature) but be receptive to such insights. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:10 Grammar Mistakes You Should Avoid55 Boxing IdiomsPassed vs Past

Friday, February 28, 2020

The House of Mango Tree Sandra Cisneros Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The House of Mango Tree Sandra Cisneros - Essay Example Interpretations by different readers mainly depend on the cultures of different readers and obviously their preformed perception or mentality about particular subjects. This being a literature book,it cogently utilizes several literary features that readers have to comprehend to come up with substantial conclusion based on the book. Cisnero’s book has certain unavoidable appealing features that not only make it an interesting book to read but also a research tool on literature analysis. The author has poetic, keen insights and stream of consciousness that makes the book easily readable and memorable. The chapters are almost self-contained, lyrical and dense like poetry. In essence, the book has a poetic appeal in the way it uses imagery such as the small home. Despite her not liking the place, it remains the only place bringing the members of his family together. Her dream is about something that is common in anyone(Cisneros 23). She wants to own a good home and a better life in future. She dreams of hope as her name means. In one part of the story, the narrator informs the reader how she was reminded of different houses they had lived in. They included gray houses in Alaska, which were in dilapidated condition. She also talks of her current spacious condo in Austin. From a normal reader’s point of view, it is automatic from the several illustrations in the book that where we live in really shapes the kind of life we live later in life.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Sustainable Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sustainable Development - Essay Example This paper seeks to discuss how the potential impacts of climate change affect approaches to development and sustainability. Climate change and sustainable development relate in that; climate change is a natural science, driven process while sustainable development is a social and political science, driven process. The impacts of climate change have interfered with the approach towards sustainable development; this is because the discussions on the global context features issues of adaptation concerns while the impacts of climate change take place at the local level. Communities from different geographical areas, which experience drastic effects of climate change, should participate in the implementation process of international policy that is directed towards development and sustainability. Understandably, enough the impact of climate change, which essentially brings about social inequalities, can only be addressed if equity and justice are observed when implementing remedial measur es. An immediate mobilization of political and financial wills, to address climate change is not possible since the impacts of climate change are not readily felt or experienced. ... The above issues are problems in developing countries because of their â€Å"climate sensitive economies and concentrations of urban poor† (Osbahr 3). The impact of climate change affects the natural resources, which developing countries rely on for survival, and thus hinders the approaches geared towards development and sustainability. The impact of climate change has made livelihoods come up with multiple ways that would aid in bringing about sustainable development. A further analysis reveals that the autonomous adaptation designed to instigate sustainable development is inhibited with issues of â€Å"poverty, poor infrastructure and market opportunities†, these are impacts of climate change. It is important for national government eyeing to implement adaptive strategies that will enhance sustainable development to learn from local experiences. Additionally, impacts in climate change call for studies to be conducted with the objective of establishing how best adaptiv e strategies would work. The study is conducted by asking the question â€Å"is it possible to characterize successful adaptation actions that reduce livelihood and community vulnerability to climate-related disaster and climate change and variability?† (Osbahr 8). The extent to which a livelihood will cope and adapt depends on the vulnerability of the livelihood to the climate change. Furthermore, the results realized from the adaptive projects should reduce the impact on climate change, not reduce the chances of sustainable development. For instance, â€Å"success should reduce risks, not reduce future options, and build livelihood resilience† (Osbahr 8). Sustainable

Friday, January 31, 2020

Legal issues with hydraulic fracturing Essay Example for Free

Legal issues with hydraulic fracturing Essay State the primary legal issue raised by hydraulic fracturing; state the primary environmental issues raised by hydraulic fracturing; and state what part of hydraulic fracturing plays or will play in meeting U. S. energy needs. Finding more energy sources including oil and natural gas will help to meet the energy demand and help provide our country with reliable fuel supplies. The prediction is that oil and natural gas will continue to provide more than half of the energy needs for American consumers even as alternative and renewable energy sources expand. We have been drilling for years but the discovery of different methods to get gas out of the ground such as hydraulic fracturing. Hydraulic fracturing is enabling the development of unconventional domestic oil resources. Rapid expansion of fracturing with the growing complaints of well water contamination and water quality problems given to this process has requests for more state and federal regulations over hydraulic fracturing. According to the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Energy Information (EIA) reports that natural gas from tight sand formations is the largest source of unconventional production, while production from shale formations is the fastest growing source According to the Hydraulic Fracturing and Safe Water Act Issues state, the process of developing a shale gas well by drilling through an overlying aquifer, completing and casing the well, stimulating the well by hydraulic fracturing and producing the gas is an issue for increasing the risk of groundwater contamination. Another concern with the potential contamination of drinking water wells from surface activities. Leaky surface impoundments, accidental spills, or careless surface disposal of drilling fluids at the natural gas production site could increase the risk of contaminating the nearby water well. Still more concerns involve the management of storage, treatment, and disposal of water produced in the fracturing process. Broader environmental issues associated with geographically expanding development of unconventional gas resources include water withdrawals from streams, lakes and aquifer; potential air quality impacts; and land use changes. Until recently, the oil and gas industry has not been required to disclose what chemicals they were using in their fracking fluids. Oil and gas extraction activities are generally exempt from the disclosure requirements of the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA) Thus, a movement has come for disclosure as part of the state permitting processes. The growing opinion has been that laws should require detailed reporting and broad public disclosure. It is undisputed the need for sources in natural gas and oil to enable us to be less dependent on outside sources. According to the EPA, â€Å"Natural gas plays a key role in our nations clean energy future. The U.S. has vast reserves of natural gas that are commercially viable as a result of advances in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing technologies enabling greater access to gas in shale formations â€Å"The task at hand is to perform hydraulic fracturing within safe environmental methods to protect our water sources from contamination and protect the quality of air that we breathe. The push for legislative laws to govern the companies who perform hydraulic fracturing lend to accountability and the expectation of safe air and water. Resourced Cited Natural gas extraction hydraulic fracturing. (n.d.). Retrieved 09/22/2013 from Orford, A. (2011). Hydraulic fracturing: legislative and regulatory trends. Retrieved 09/21/2013 from Vann, A. Congressional Research Service, (2011). Hydraulic fracturing and safe water act issues (7-5700). Retrieved 09/22/2013 from website:

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Narcissistic Personality Disorder Essay -- Psychology

The case that we will be looking at throughout this paper is that of ‘Joe’ (name changed to so that he/she may remain anonymous. Joe has what is diagnosed by clinicians as narcissistic personality disorder. According to the DSM – IV –TR, this is characterized by ‘a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration and lack of empathy, beginning by early adult and present in a variety of contexts.’ The DSM lists nine criteria and Joe must exhibit 5 or more of them to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder. The first one is Joe has a grandiose sense of self-importance. He is always assuring himself that his needs come before anyone else’s and that he should be recognized for all of his achievements, large or small, in his life. The second characteristic that Joe displays is being preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, and beauty. He believes that he is the most attractive male of a ll of his peers and strives to attract as many women as he can and to have a sexual relationship with all of them. He sees no flaws in himself and cannot begin to understand why every woman is not attracted to him. The third characteristic that Joe displays of narcissistic personality disorder is that he lives with a sense of entitlement. He believes that everyone should think the way that he does and the he has the answer to ever problem. The fourth characteristic seen in Joe is that he lacks empathy, showing now sense of understanding towards other’s sorrow. Lastly, Joe is consistently arrogant and haughty to the point that his social behaviors are being affected negatively. Joe is seen as irritating by many of his social acquaintances due to his arrogant behavior and attitude. When consid... ...pbringing to find a root cause of the narcissistic behavior. Also the socio-cultural models tells us to consider the individual’s cultural background and societal views in which they were modeled on. Also, the biological model suggest that brain malfunction is at the heart of all abnormal behavior, while on the end of the spectrum, the humanistic behavior believes that we all have control of our own destiny and power over any abnormality. Works Cited Association, American Psychiatric. DSM-IV-TR. Arlingtion: American Psychiatric Association, 2000. Comer, Ronald. "Models of Abnormality." comer, Ronald. Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology. New York: Worth Publishers, 2011. 32-37. Staff, Mayo Clinic. Narcissistic Personality Disorder. 4 November 2011. 25 February 2012 .

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The Value of Higher Education

Ruben Zamudio English 1 Section 1739 Dr. Garnica Assignment 1 The Value of a Higher Education As the predecessor for success in America since the 1970s, college is questioned more and more this generation whether its stature is essential for socioeconomic mobility. What once was seen as the eroding force of class divisions has sadly become the reason for its fortification. This eroding force does however give a pleasant image of a better life with a higher earning career at hand.The instability of the nation’s economy has made it difficult for students of low-income class to get access to colleges and universities and surpass the invisible barriers that hold them back from achieving the American dream every citizen has. One major drawback for access to higher education can be focused directly on the nation. Since the tragic incident of 9/11, our nation’s spending towards defense has dramatically increased. What does that mean? Not enough dollars are going towards what m atters most: education.The Bush’s administration’s 2007 budget proposed the largest cut to federal education funding since the twenty-six years of existence for the Education Department—a loss of $2. 1 billion. This cut meant that schools and colleges throughout the nation had to compete more than ever for proper funding from the government, both at the state and federal level. As resources are being stripped from schools, struggling students will only continue to struggle, while students with money and resources continue to add on to the legacy that has preceded them.This information does not include another economic sector that has made it difficult for students to access higher education, the ever-growing cost of college tuition. â€Å"College tuition has increased 66% beyond inflation within the last ten years, and 26% at private institutions†. Higher education was looked at to further the knowledge of our nation’s citizens, to expand and bette r what we had, but due to the difficulty of accessing it, all we continue to do is increase the gap of class stratification.Gary Rhoades of the Center of the Future of Higher Education stated, â€Å"Our current policy path, of continued cuts in state support and continued increases in tuition will only increase the stratification in the future†. This is an adverse trend, as our nation is in dire demand for more educated graduates and workers, not fewer. Yet, policymakers continue to steer their focus away from increasing access to schools, and making it that much harder for students who struggle already. In the world we live in today, money is the motive and the drive.Elementary and post secondary schools with a high property tax are two linked reasons for the inequality of education. Schools rely heavenly on property tax revenue using as much as half for funding. A report done by Daphne A. Kenyon, a member at the Lincoln Institute, displayed the correlation of property tax a nd school funding of seven states: California, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Texas, Ohio, New Jersey, and Michigan, with â€Å"Massachusetts ranks the highest and California the lowest, according to the respective property tax relief and school funding principles presented in the reports. This report associates itself with the most educated states in the country, with Massachusetts being one of the most educated and California being one the lowest. Giving you an idea how this source of revenue actually helps the students in the long run, getting a higher quality of education, as schools are able to buy more materials for the classrooms, and pay for workshops which could improve teachers. Educational value depends on the educational spending in students and institutions, as does the quality.This inequality for students enforces class stratification, as students who receive better quality of teaching throughout their academic career, will be better prepared for colleges and universit ies and the workforce ahead. As these students leave a form of legacy behind them in their alma mater, access for their children will be easier, as children with parents who’ve attended college are more likely to go than those with parents who have not. Unfortunately for those who receive poor quality education, their mobility will be limited than what it should be, ignoring general income as a factor.Students with lower income have always trailed behind their affluent colleagues in school performance, not saying that they cannot advance, but the way the system is being operated against them. Universities have grown selective in their admission process, aiming towards students with higher incomes, as they contribute and pay more than those with lower income. A trend that has continued to grow and debated about is the acceptance of out-of-states students over in-states students.Populated states with tight higher education budgets have grown to rely on out-of-state students due to their higher tuition payments to help sustain the schools. Another issue that universities and institutions present is the administration blight. A 2010 study has shown that administrators have grown 39% per 100 students compared to professors, researchers, and other staff members, who have only grown 18% per 100 students. Schools need more professors and researchers, not administrators, who make an average of $390,000 a year.This steers universities’ mission away from providing a proper education and more and giving those in higher power more power. Full time professors and researchers are being replaced, and do not have time to perform research to further the advancement of knowledge. Despite the numbers flown around everywhere, what you earn from a college degree is in fact beneficial to a person. Those with a post secondary education will genuinely earn a bout 64% more than someone with just a high school degree or a drop out ($1053 vs. 638 earned a month). The earnin g gap in today’s society has been the highest since 1915, and in today’s economy, you need to have that stable income to be ready for whatever policies and laws and raises in tax rates that the country might throw at you. So attending college will definitely have it’s advantage, most of the times. Although attaining and completing your post secondary education, the work field will not always guarantee you a job solely due to a degree.Post secondary education has taken it share of hits from legislators and policymakers, but this should not affect the access for students who are working hard to achieve a better future for themselves and potential families to come. Despite, the intense competition that has grown, post secondary is essential in the today’s world and a little competition is always healthy. Our state and national government, as well as schools and parents have to understand the importance of post secondary education for our future generations, and must find a way to restructure our budgets to help students succeed as much as possible.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Gambino Crime Family - 2653 Words

Paul Castellano, or â€Å"Big Paul† was an eight-grade dropout and boss of the richest, most dangerous, and most powerful crime syndicate in the United States. Born June 26, 1915 in Brooklyn, Big Paul began his life in the mob by running numbers. When he was named successor to the great Carlo Gambino, trouble arose. Many members felt that Aniello Dellacroce, although in prison, deserved the role but instead Gambino had promoted Paul. Some saw this as nepotism which was generally frowned upon on by La Cosa Nostra. To settle tensions Castellano gifted Neil Dellacroce some of the family’s most lucrative operations throughout Manhattan and Queens, but this did not completely satisfy the slighted underboss. Paul, like Gambino, was an unusual type of Mafia boss. Unfortunately, while Don Carlo was revolutionary, Big Paul was unsatisfactory. He was embarrassed that he was categorized as a gangster and preferred to be regarded as a diplomat or businessman. Big Paul was said to look more like a businessman or CEO than a mobster. Paul Castellano was flashy too; he liked elegant clothing, fine dining, and being driven around by chauffeur. He even detested violence which is not a good quality for a mob boss to obtain. â€Å"The Pope† as he was referred to, was standoffish. His predecessor had gone to the markets in Little Italy, held court in public places, lived in the city, and interacted with his soldiers and capos. Big Paul on the other hand, generally held court at his private estate, didShow MoreRelatedOrganized Crime with The Gambino Family Family Trust, making a profit, violence and being1900 Words   |  8 PagesOrganized Crime with The Gambino Family Family Trust, making a profit, violence and being powerful, are all characteristics which the Honor Society also know as the Mafia followed and lived by. 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